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pop culture and politics for the new outcasts
Issue 4, out now!  
If the editors of the Atlantic Monthly got high and decided to start a revolution, they might come up with something like Other magazine. Then again, it’s quite possible that only Charlie Anders and Annalee Newitz could’ve conceived of such a thing ... Published three times a year, Other is a journal of dissident nonfiction, transgressive fiction, freethinking comic art, and experimental poetry."

-The Boston Phoenix


Your cheese must be reprogrammed! [General] ? charlieanders @ 11:23 pm

Looking at management theory sites like this one makes you realize the true goal of management: to reprogram your brain. ?Most people don?t like change because they don?t like being changed,? the site?s author writes in between weird charts and highlighted buzzwords. In other words, the ?continous revolution? of business processes really involves changing your employees themselves, not just the way they work. Books like or The Unshackled Organization: Facing the Challenge of Unpredicability are designed to tell managers how to create more malleable employees. Reading these breathless blurbs, one gets the sense that managers ought to be pushing change even when it?s not particularly necessary ? just to win employees? acceptance of change and the submissiveness that comes with it.

It?s all part of how corporations are ?colonizing and redefining our private, inner world? to make us ?more pliable employees and consumers,? as Madeleine Bunting writes. (Scroll down past all the stuff about the pop group to get to the management theory stuff.) Corporations want to supplement their business logic with ?emotional logic? to capture the hearts of consumers, but also of their own workers.


Action Movies [General] ? charlieanders @ 7:24 pm

So today?s Washington Post makes it sound as if John Kerry?s chance of becoming president is wafer-thin unless he:

a) wins Florida, or
b) changes the ?dynamic of the race.?

It?s amazing how quickly this has become the conventional wisdom. And yet who could be surprised? John Kerry hasn?t given voters any positive reason to support him over Junior, and in particular he has no credible plan for fighting terrorism and sorting out the mess in Iraq.

Kerry?s mistake was focusing entirely on his distant war-hero past, instead of on projecting a tough-guy image in the present. Americans want a badass who will spank Osama Bin Laden, not a wuss who earned some medals 30 years ago. Whether or not they agree with the occupation of Iraq, most Americans want to prevent another 9/11 and punish the people behind it.

Which leads to the Democrats? other problem: they?re acting as if George Bush is the bad guy. He?s not. Pretend for a second that this is an action movie, and that John Kerry is the renegade hero who?s going to take down the bad guy, no matter what it takes. The ?bad guy? in this scenario is Osama Bin Laden. Dubya is just the mealy-mouthed authority figure who tries to prevent the action hero from doing what?s necessary. He?s ?Dickless? in Ghostbusters. He?s the Commissioner who takes away the tough cop?s badge. He?s Cornelius Fudge.

OK, you can stop pretending now. Obviously, in the real world, John Kerry is Dickless/Cornelius. But if Kerry could reverse the dynamic and cast Bush in the Fudge role, we might actually get somewhere. Kerry wouldn?t have to mislead anybody, either. There are a lot of smart, constructive things we could be doing to crack down on terrorism that Bush hasn?t been willing to do, including nuclear non-proliferation and port security but also including a harder line with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on their support for Al Qaeda. Couch it in language that makes it sound as if Kerry will take a tougher line with terrorists than Bush has. It may not be what progressives want to hear, but it?s probably the only way for Kerry to ?change the dynamic of the race? at this point.

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