a magazine for people who defy categories

 Upcoming Events 

Come support other and consume unique entertainment!


Indie Magazine All Stars party featuring Kitchen Sink, Bitch, the Believer, Comet, other and others! 8-11 PM at Adobe Bookshop, 3166 16th. Street, San Francisco. FREE!


Other magazine presents Writers In Drag

Writers step outside of their normal genre and present works they've written in an unfamiliar idiom!


  • Pagan Kennedy reading children's stories
  • Elizabeth Searle reading gay male erotica
  • Toni Amato reading romance
  • PLUS Talia Kingsbury and Alana Devitch!
Where: The Lizard Lounge, 1667 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA 02139
When: Friday August 29, from 7 PM to 9 PM
How much: $3-$5 sliding scale
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