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pop culture and politics for the new outcasts

"Despite its national aspirations, other magazine has a distinctly San Francisco flavor: smart, do-it-yourself, full of vim and venom. It's upbeat in the face of leftist despair over the global geopolitical situation, vaguely obsessed with sex, gender and bodily functions, technologically savvy and occasionally wonky."

-The San Francisco Chronicle

Issue 8
October 2005

  • Most Of Us Are Here For Drugs by Nicole Gluckstern. "I wondered how the children in school felt about telling their friends they lived in prison."
  • Stalking Elly by Dexie Morgen. "I tend to stalk people who do me absolutely no good."
  • The Beautiful Failures by Abigail Goldman. "They get three minutes to sell themselves on TV. The less experience, the better."
  • Best. Inventions. Ever. by Jason Schultz. "More and more, we are seeing patented dreams turn into legal nightmares."
  • The Full Monti by Bryan Bell. "All I took with me were my portraits of myself and my ego."
  • Fresh Meat. Photos by E. Ramstad and Lanaye' Yiriqui La Yaqui.
  • Ms. Gayland's Psychic Abilities by Cheryl Klein. "All this time when she thought she was conjugating verbs and discussing the skeletal system, she was offering her ugly, newly boobed body up as a sacrifice to visibility, to pathos."
  • A Modest Proposal by Marshall Smith. "Before invading our next country, let's offer amnesty to the little ones of that nation: Place them in Neverland and let them spend some quality time with Michael."
  • Big Men by Chris Garcia. "Unless one of them marries the Chief's daughter, they'll be eaten."
  • Read Only by Seth Schoen. "Like other allegedly perverted pleasures, spoken Latin is most readily available in major cities."
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Issue 7
June 2005

  • The Samples No Longer Refer To Their Source by Chris Palmer. "I am more likely to listen to field recordings than music at this point."
  • The Prime Directive by Chaim Bertman. "A whole Galapagos of Abba songs to which you've never developed antibodies."
  • The Return of Revenge. "I can't watch the thing without thinking I'm somehow the object of revenge."
  • Don't Get Mad... Get Laid! by Diana Cage. "She was punishing him, and through him all men."
  • Test Tube Lovers by Annalee Newitz. "Like all good romances, it serves as both a seduction and a warning."
  • Yours For The Taking by Suzanne Kleid. "I could actually kill you if I want."
  • Ballerina Pie Fight Photos by Eric Kroll, Larry Utley, Polly Hommel and others.
  • Get Even With The Government by Annie Harrison. "A simple restatement of these facts could completely change the status of marijuana."
  • by Gregory Dicum. "The best things in life are all tinged with evil."
  • Feminist Vice. "The Beauty Myth doesn't even have any horsies with extra parts, like horns or wings (or a dozen extra pussies, in a cute doily pattern, maybe?)"
  • Top Ten Least Successful Revenge Attempts In History by Claire Light. "When getting revenge, be sure to know what you're getting it for."
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Issue 6
Utopia/Dystopia February 2005

  • Dying For David Cassidy by John Marr. "The sight of Keith Partridge in the flesh was like a transcendent moment of religious ecstasy."
  • Top 10 21st. Century Eugenics Programs by Claire Light. "Today's eugenics programs are clean, packaged, and visible by their invisibility."
  • Screw by John Shirley. "We were all part of selling our world out to these soulless things."
  • Women Remake The World: A Timeline of Feminist Utopias by Liz Henry. "Feminist utopia is also revolution."
  • Classy Freddie Blassie by Christopher J. Garcia. "Blassie made sure the violence he perpetrated at ringside was right in front of these women, so the camera could pick up their incredible reactions."
  • Goddamn Electric by Jon Quaccia. "Heavy metal taught me constructive negativity."
  • Hog Heaven by Abigail Goldman. "We act like outlaws and look like outlaws and ride like outlaws so we can move into the outlaws."
  • Harrison Ford Was Right by Alicia Goranson. "I'm drowning in stagnant time."
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Issue 5
October 2004

  • How Gay Marriage Ruined My Het Relationship by Karen Solomon. "Gay marriage made us feel like big, fat spoiled jerks."
  • Visit Swamp Town, U.S.A. by Diane Goldberg. "We've entered the age of relentlessly stupid and masturbatory memorializing of all things American."
  • Cartoon Authoritarianism by Shauna Rogan. "What's that, President Mittens? We're dropping 70 planeloads of radioactive scorpions on Marrakech? Awww, that's so adorable."
  • The Thing About Hinckley by Elizabeth Searle. "How come Daddy didn't think Hinckley was a HERO?"
  • Brain Damage by Annalee Newitz. "At its core, neuroscience fiction is about what happens to our brains when they are colonized by wankers."
  • Sexual Fundamentalism by Charlie Anders. "We need tent revivals for sex. We need our own Promise Keepers."
  • A Taxonomy of Vipers by Chaim Bertman. "In the venom is a whisper of the antidote."
  • The Powderhole by Michelle Tea. "On very bad days, Candon will talk about digging herself back into the landfill, but mostly she just turns quiet and chews the walls."
  • Blood Quantum by Jennifer Fox Bennett. "The attempt to define a Native person as "Indian" dances fleetingly between the fuzzy lines of racial, cultural and ethnic identity."
  • The Pleasures of Deception by Seth Schoen. "Nearly everyone has been on both sides of deception."
  • The Tranny, The Bitch and the Wardrobe by Simon Sheppard. "Clive thought of putting on his mother's dresses. It would be as if she'd never left."
  • Mock The Church by Joel Schalit. "Standing up to religion is a form of anti-fascism."
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Issue 4
June 2004

  • The Brown Sound by Jonathan Sterne. "The brown noise enters through the ear and exits through the rear."
  • God Bless the Rouge, Blanc et Bleu by Abigail Goldman. "The sheep's face had a meaty sneer and the sack was warm as urine."
  • Kick Out The Jams, Genderfuckers! by Larry-Bob Roberts. "Almost weekly you can witness a gender-transgressing rock band."
  • Sex and the Single Fighter-Mage by Shannon Cochran. "I first had sex at the age of 75. I was an elf named 'Windkiss.'"
  • Decimal Universe by Chaim Bertman. "When a scientist invents a pseudoscience, it is a sad reflection on an entire civilization."
  • Can't Buy Like by Annalee Newitz. "People will pay for sex and love, but they won't pay for friendship."
  • Xing Up by Jyoti Mishra. "All this current inane banter about 'espresso sex' is yet another mask for the same old pole-in-the-hole dick-centered reification of sex."
  • Coral's Pocket by Hanne Blank. "Misery still streamed through her as Coral watched her uterus leap like a trout from the surgeon's hands."
  • Snakes and Rats by Gregory Dicum. "Close your eyes and do the taste test, and you'll find to your horror that color has no flavor."

Issue 3
Feb. 2004

  • Lexicon by Cecilia Tan. "All the words of Chinese that I know I can list on a single page."
  • Fag Hags and Dyke Tykes In Recovery. "Do you find yourself using the word 'fabulous' on a daily basis?"
  • Marijuana and the Pocket Vibrator Bitches: Lynnee Breedlove Interviews Ed Rosenthal. "I'm addicted to chocolate, so should we make it illegal?"
  • Jed and Winnie by Kirk Read. "Whatever impulse makes a girl clench up about rats and night dirt and worms having sex with themselves right in your palm, well, those parts of her were long dead."
  • The Boundary Police by Charlie Anders. "There are many reasons why the Boundary Police walk their lonely beat, along the dark side streets of identity politics."
  • New Noise, Old Noise by Joel Schalit. "Music without any discernable arrangements, that was brutally loud and unpleasant to fuck to."
  • New World Odor by Jim Munroe. "Personally, I didn't think the young fella was doing the cause any good."
  • Bone Break Fever Dream by Mat Honan. "I swallowed a Tylenol and prayed for Thailand."

Issue 2
Oct. 2003

  • My Summer Vacation by Diane Goldberg. "I love stuff formerly owned by wealthy people."
  • The Future of War by David Gerrold, Cory Doctorow, Nalo Hopkinson and others. "If we manage to muster any sense as a species, then war will have no future."
  • Poem: The Beautiful by Michelle Tea. "you can just forget about everything america... i'm going home."
  • The New Other America by Doug Henwood. "Poor people are never very far away in the physical sense."
  • I Am Bill's Butt by Bill Brent. "Bill's endorphins get all the fun, those lazy sons o' bitches."
  • The Great American Makeover Novel by Marilyn Wann. "Do we really enjoy depictions of such craven desire for conformity?"
  • Two Cubans by John Bowker. "With so-called peasant dishes, there's a huge labor component involved."
  • The Opposite of Ethnic Cleansing by Charlie Anders. "I flinched every time one of them thanked me for uncovering the truth."
  • Five Things I Hate About NPR by Annalee Newitz. "NPR is too nice."
  • The End of the World as They Knew It by James Rocchi. "Horror cinema was not afraid to end the world."

Issue 1
June 2003

  • Char King, Earth Oracle by Dev Green. "Strap yourself in as we go across Don't Go There land."
  • Reclaim the Suits by Stephen Duncombe. "In your eyes, the well-suited man is John Ashcroft."
  • In Our Pajamas by Gerard Jones. "Superheroes are heroic fantasies for people who no longer believe in heroes."
  • You Got Your Keffiyeh in My Burka by Joel Schalit. "Every progressive movement has to endure moments of well-intentioned cluelessness."
  • Redneck Environmentalism by Sean Captain. "A grass manager first and a cowboy second."
  • Sexing the Database by Annalee Newitz. "Your gender is threaded into the datastream."
  • Pornography by Daphne Gottlieb. "The DJ announces I'm available for lapdances as I sink into the corner bawling."
  • Mutts at the Dog Show by Gregory Dicum. "I belong to a wave of the randomly heritaged, the obscurely mixed."
  • Your Mouth Is Open by Jan Richman. "I've wanted to fuck someone with Tourettes ever since I could remember."
  • Hedwig's Six Inches by Jordy Jones. "Privilege can afford to be apolitical."

Other magazine is for people who defy categories. We print everything from genre-busting fiction, journalism, and essays, to cartoons, artwork, and innovative graphic design. Every four months, our writers bring you challenging ideas, wild tales, rebel futurism, global media, pop criticism, and indie idealism.

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